Peter Knutson
Partner Advisor
Peter D. Knutson is a partner-advisor in Allworth’s Lawrence, Kansas office. A graduate of Baylor University, where he earned degrees in both Financial Planning and Real Estate, he later moved to Pennsylvania where he taught an adult continuing education course on personal financial planning through Penn State University. Anxious to start a family, he subsequently relocated to Kansas where he coached University of Kansas professors, staff, and administrators about making informed investment and financial planning decisions. A CERTIFIED FINANICAL PLANNER™ professional with 30 years of advisory experience, he is the father of five children. When he is not working to improve the lives of his clients, Pete enjoys spending time with his wife, Julie, and pursuing his passions of golf, photography, and astronomy.
I like people and I love hearing their stories. Everyone is different and every case is unique. Every day is a new challenge and when you see a worried client come into your office and a happy, confident client leave your office, it’s a great feeling. Helping people live the lives they want to live is tremendously rewarding.