Tracy Lasecke
Partner Advisor
With over 20 years of advisory sector experience, Tracy F. Lasecke, CFP®, is a partner-advisor in Allworth’s San Jose, California, office. Having enjoyed both a varied and rich professional and personal history, Tracy has served as a citizen ambassador to China in collaboration with the Financial Planning Association and has also recently been asked to join the Financial Planning Delegation as an ambassador to India. He currently serves on both the Regional Financial Planning Committee and the CFP Board Center for Financial Planning Scholarship Review Committee, is an active member of the Financial Planning Association, and was President of the Silicon Valley Financial Planning Association in 2007. Additionally, he served as President and then Chair of the Silicon Valley Financial Planning Association from 2006 through 2008. Lastly, from 2007 through 2009, he served as Chair of the NorCal Financial Planning Association Conference, which annually brings together regional chapters and nationwide members. Active in a variety of local and national nonprofits, including Special Olympics and Catholic Charities, Tracy and his wife split their time between California and Arizona, and together they frequently visit his Chicago-based daughter. In his spare time, he enjoys waterskiing, golf, and hiking, and he recently achieved his lifelong ambition of summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.