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401(k) for Employers

Better for your employees. Better for you.

We help you attract and keep talent by improving your plan’s design and making certain you’re meeting your fiduciary responsibility.

What is your fiduciary responsibility?

As an employer with a defined contribution plan, your fiduciary duty means you are legally responsible for providing your employees with the highest standard of plan care.


Meeting your legal fiduciary responsibility

To help meet your fiduciary responsibility, we provide:

  • Customized investment policy statements
  • Customized employee policy statements
  • Quarterly investment reviews
  • Any available fiduciary services


Improve your plan's design and function

We’ll become experts in your plan and work to improve it so that it functions better and meets the saving and investment needs of your participants. We implement or improve your:

  • Safe-harbor design (matching and non-elective)
  • Cross-tested profit sharing
  • Auto-enrollment and escalation
  • Qualified default investment alternatives (QDIA)
  • Roth provision


Diversify your plan's investment menu

Our in-house investment team has constructed a highly-diverse investment menu, including:

  • Passively-managed index funds
  • Exchange-traded funds
  • Primarily low-cost institutional funds
  • Actively-managed investments


We're serious about educating your employees

We really value education. To support your company, your plan and your employees, we provide comprehensive educational materials, including:

  • Webcasts
  • Podcasts
  • Articles
  • On-site training
  • Phone support

As your fiduciary advisor, we can assist your employees with their retirement accounts, help protect you legally, and make your life and your job easier.

Contact Us Today