Allworth CEO Scott Hanson shares an update on our COVID-19 response and the re-opening of our office locations.
America is going through one of the most difficult periods in our modern history.
From the economy, to the way we view society, to our health, some of the things we may take for granted feel uncertain.
The fact is that the issues facing our country right now are large, complex, and raw.
But even in times such as these, life moves forward.
Which makes it all the more important to remember that the only way we are ever going to permanently conquer the challenges we face, is if we do so together.
While not a glamorous topic, the following information is, we believe, a small-but-important part of a larger positive trend of economically (and safely) reopening the country.
With that in mind, I’m going to keep this week’s update short and focus on the logistics and practices related to the reopening of Allworth’s physical offices.
The Week of June 15th
We’ve deemed that the week of June 15th is the appropriate time for the carefully-planned physical re-openings of our offices.
Please note, this is being undertaken with the utmost consideration for your protection and comfort, and of course, for the well-being and comfort of our team members.
Many clients, as well as those of you reading this who have not yet become clients, have adapted seamlessly to videoconferencing (and phone) appointments.
Other people (and many of our team members) prefer in-person communication.
I know I personally can’t wait to get back to the office.
For those of you who would like to come in for a scheduled appointment, please be advised that all our offices are well-stocked with masks, gloves, disinfectant wipes, and hand sanitizer.
Please just ask.
Social Distancing Considerations
While each Allworth advisor has his or her own dedicated office, each of our facilities has at least one large conference room.
For the time being, all in-office appointments will take place in the privacy of those conference rooms.
This naturally gives you and your advisor the space necessary to provide at least six feet of distance between persons.
Additionally, to help stem the spread of COVID-19, we have instructed all our team members to stay home if they notice any flu or cold-like symptoms, or if they have been exposed to any person who might be sick.
With that in mind, we ask that if you (or a close family member) have experienced any symptoms of illness in the 48 hours leading up to your meeting at Allworth, that you please reschedule (or switch to a phone or videoconference appointment).
Signing Documents and Physical Contact
If you have paperwork that needs to be processed, we now have dedicated bins at the front desk in each of our offices.
Please feel free to come by and drop off documents at your convenience.
If during or after your appointment you have documents to sign, we will provide you with a new pen. (The pen is yours to keep!)
As for the efforts being undertaken to keep our offices clean, please note that every possible surface, along with door handles, counters, and bathroom fixtures, will be wiped down numerous times each day.
At night, a dedicated cleaning crew visits each of our offices.
Unfortunately, for your safety and the protection of our team, for the time being we will need to refrain from shaking hands.
Looking Ahead
While impossible to call it “a silver lining,” from a business perspective, if one “good thing” resulted from the last few months, it’s that temporarily moving to a 100% remote business model helped us to further hone and adapt the way we serve and communicate with you.
With that in mind, our creative and client education teams have spent this time building several terrific new resources for your education and enjoyment.
At, you’ll find lots of information on Social Security, the CARES Act, budgeting, and retirement planning, along with things like guides that help you navigate a sudden retirement or furlough, webinars, articles, videos, podcasts, and more.
These are all purely educational, they are always free, and they have been created specifically to help you reach your financial, investment and retirement goals.
Lastly, please remember that, economically, the ramp back up to normalcy here in America is something that, while hopefully a smooth transition, is partially contingent on each of us doing our part to, not only stay healthy, but to help others stay COVID-19 free, as well.
Either in-person, or electronically, we look forward to seeing you at an appointment soon.