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“I’m just a bond.” 5 need-to-know facts

Even though stocks usually grab most of the attention, don’t forget about bonds! After all, in most cases, they’re a key component of a diversified portfolio. Allworth co-founder Scott Hanson shares the essential basics to help you better understand how they work (with a little inspiration from Schoolhouse Rock).

Working while claiming Social Security? Don’t get caught off guard

You likely already know that figuring out when to claim Social Security during retirement can be tricky. But if you decide to work and receive a benefit at the same time? Things can get even trickier. Allworth co-founder Scott Hanson outlines the need-to-know details about an under-the-radar Social Security rule.

Unlocking Tax Relief and Employee Appreciation: The Power of Profit Sharing

Discover top strategies for maintaining organized 401(k) fiduciary files with best practices for compliance and peace of mind.

The pros and cons of 403(b)s

While 401(k)s usually get all the attention, there’s another type of account that millions upon millions of U.S. workers use instead: The 403(b). Allworth co-founder Scott Hanson shares some helpful reminders about this oft-ignored retirement savings vehicle.

4 things cohabitating couples over 50 should consider

Cohabitation is becoming a bigger trend for couples over the age of 50 – but it also presents some financial (and legal) hurdles. Allworth co-founder Scott Hanson shares four key considerations to help overcome these challenges and to establish healthy financial habits within the relationship.

5 job hunting tips for mature workers

‘Experience’ can be a double-edged sword when looking for a job. On one hand, it means you’re battle tested; on the other, it means you’ve been around a long time – maybe too long in the eyes of a hiring manager. So, how can you break through the age stigma? Allworth co-founder Scott Hanson offers a few words of wisdom.

5 Helpful Ways to Organize Your 401(k) Fiduciary Files

Discover top strategies for maintaining organized 401(k) fiduciary files with best practices for compliance and peace of mind.

The magic of a 401(k)

Saving for the future can be daunting. But Allworth co-founder Scott Hanson wants you to remember that, eventually, every little bit counts. He shares a story from his early days as an advisor to illustrate his point.

Fourth Quarter 2023 Market Update

In this latest quarterly update video, Allworth co-founder Scott Hanson and Chief Investment Officer Andy Stout discuss: Why perception is everything on Wall Street, what’s likely in store for interest rates this year, how you’re to thank for the economy’s resiliency, and more.

401(k) need-to-knows for 2024

Happy New Year! Have you thought about your 401(k) yet? While we may be only a handful of days into 2024, now’s the time to take a fresh look and brush up on the basics. Allworth co-founder Scott Hanson is here to kick-off the year with some key reminders.