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Our Approach to Your 403(b)

Why isn’t your plan working? It’s our goal to help you achieve 100% employee participation in your 403(b) plan. Better for your employees. Better for you.

The Business Challenge

Non-profits are a special entity because their mission is service-focused. We appreciate what you do. But nonprofits sometimes lack the retirement plan “bells and whistles” that for-profit companies take for granted. That means there is less room for error. If you have a plan, that’s an important step. Next, so that your employees are rewarded for their commitment to service, your goal should be 100% employee participation, and to make sure that everyone on your team takes full advantage of any “employer match” you offer.

The Allworth Financial Process

Our approach is two-pronged: Education and more education. We take great pride in serving our community, and so we value the opportunity to help non-profits improve their plans. We’ll begin with group and individual meetings to learn the unique needs and goals of the people who power your company, and we’ll combine that with behavioral finance plan enhancements (think voluntary but automatic enrollments, for one) to improve both participation rates and outcomes. We believe a 6% auto-enrollment contribution rate is a perfect place to begin. We’ll work to create more portfolio diversification to more closely match risk and reward and time horizons with your diverse employee needs. Our experience is clear: Employees overwhelmingly appreciate both more investment choices and non-mandatory auto-enrollment.

The Business Outcome

When you choose Allworth, the goal should be to see measurable increases in employee participation, employee deferral rates, and invested assets. We strive for 90-10-90, meaning 90% participation, with a 10% deferral, and 90% in a well diversified portfolio.