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Tax Planning (3) Articles = 109147514443
blog_topics(, 250) = [Retirement & Financial Planning, Market Updates, 401(k) For Employers, Investment Management, Life in Retirement, Tax Planning, Social Security, Financial Planning, Insurance, Women in Retirement, Healthcare, IRA, Pensions, 401(k), Estate Planning, 401(k) Approach, Advisor - Allison Scoggin, Advisor - Dan Rausch, Advisor - Darren Dindinger, Advisor - Jeremy Murray, Advisor - Laurie Ingwersen, Advisor - Lynda Tu, Advisor - Michael Coates, Advisor - Renee Nenninger]
blog_tags(, 250) = [Retirement & Financial Planning, Market Updates, 401(k) For Employers, Investment Management, Life in Retirement, Tax Planning, Social Security, Financial Planning, Insurance, Women in Retirement, Healthcare, IRA, Pensions, 401(k), Estate Planning, 401(k) Approach, Advisor - Allison Scoggin, Advisor - Dan Rausch, Advisor - Darren Dindinger, Advisor - Jeremy Murray, Advisor - Laurie Ingwersen, Advisor - Lynda Tu, Advisor - Michael Coates, Advisor - Renee Nenninger]
all_topics = [Retirement & Financial Planning, Market Updates, 401(k) For Employers, Investment Management, Life in Retirement, Tax Planning, Social Security, Financial Planning, Insurance, Women in Retirement, Healthcare, IRA, Pensions, 401(k), Estate Planning, 401(k) Approach, Advisor - Allison Scoggin, Advisor - Dan Rausch, Advisor - Darren Dindinger, Advisor - Jeremy Murray, Advisor - Laurie Ingwersen, Advisor - Lynda Tu, Advisor - Michael Coates, Advisor - Renee Nenninger]
contents = [BlogPost 112747113093 4 Important End-of-Year Tax Considerations | Allworth Financial, BlogPost 112750399117 From a tax consideration, would paying off my mortgage be a bad move? | Allworth Financial, BlogPost 112747792710 3 Things to Consider Before Moving to a No Tax State | Allworth Financial, BlogPost 112747792707 Your 2019 Taxes 4 Things to Do Right Now | Allworth Financial, BlogPost 112756556554 3 Options for People Without a 401(k) | Allworth Financial, BlogPost 112750357508 Smart Ways to Structure Your Retirement in 2018 | Allworth Financial, BlogPost 112750359082 Tax Reform and Your Retirement | Allworth Financial, BlogPost 112750398732 4 Ways to Lower Your Retirement Account Tax Bill | Allworth Financial, BlogPost 112750398094 3 States with Low Taxes for Retirees | Allworth Financial]

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content.tag_list = [Tax Planning]

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tag = Tax Planning

content.tag_list = [Tax Planning]

content.tag_list[0] = Tax Planning

tag = Tax Planning

content.tag_list = [Tax Planning]

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tag = Tax Planning

content.tag_list = [Tax Planning]

content.tag_list[0] = Tax Planning

tag = Tax Planning

content.tag_list = [Tax Planning]

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tag = Tax Planning

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tag = Tax Planning tag = Retirement & Financial Planning

content.tag_list = [Tax Planning, Retirement & Financial Planning]

content.tag_list[0] = Tax Planning

tag = Tax Planning tag = Retirement & Financial Planning

content = BlogPost 112747113093 4 Important End-of-Year Tax Considerations | Allworth Financial
tag = [Tax Planning]

4 Important End-of-Year Tax Considerations

Who does your taxes? And, more importantly, why do they get to do them? What I mean is, when it comes to your retirement planning, your taxes and your investing, you’ve got to find an edge wherever you can. It has long been my philosophy that...

content = BlogPost 112750399117 From a tax consideration, would paying off my mortgage be a bad move? | Allworth Financial
tag = [Tax Planning]

From a tax consideration, would paying off my mortgage be a bad move?

Reader’s Question: I’m 59 and recently had to retire and go on disability. I’ve always made a good living, been a great saver, and a careful, conservative investor. (The only debt I carry is my $200,000 mortgage.) The positive in all this is, that,...

content = BlogPost 112747792710 3 Things to Consider Before Moving to a No Tax State | Allworth Financial
tag = [Tax Planning]

3 Things to Consider Before Moving to a No Tax State

For many people, the desire to cut expenses is a moving experience. We have clients all around the country. So there’s a pretty substantial discrepancy in how much the people we work with pay in state and local taxes. If you live in a place like...

content = BlogPost 112747792707 Your 2019 Taxes 4 Things to Do Right Now | Allworth Financial
tag = [Tax Planning]

Your 2019 Taxes 4 Things to Do Right Now

Remember when taxes were something you began worrying about on April 1st? The good ol’ days. That’s okay. As the tax code has changed, you simply have to adapt and change with it. While by no means comprehensive—there’s a lot more to consider than...

content = BlogPost 112756556554 3 Options for People Without a 401(k) | Allworth Financial
tag = [Tax Planning]

3 Options for People Without a 401(k)

You don’t have a 401(k)? About 55 million people are currently contributing to a 401(k). This adds up to over $5 trillion (which is 59% of all private retirement savings) that is earmarked to pay for a portion of retirement. [1] 401(k)s are...

content = BlogPost 112750357508 Smart Ways to Structure Your Retirement in 2018 | Allworth Financial
tag = [Tax Planning]

Smart Ways to Structure Your Retirement in 2018

The new 2018 tax law brings about some of the most sweeping changes we’ve seen in decades. For those of us facing retirement or already enjoying retirement, these changes bring about big questions. Primarily, what is the best way to structure...

content = BlogPost 112750359082 Tax Reform and Your Retirement | Allworth Financial
tag = [Tax Planning, Retirement & Financial Planning]

Tax Reform and Your Retirement

With a final version of sweeping tax reform hitting the Senate floor next week, we may likely see the Tax Cuts, and Jobs Act signed before the end of this year. If the bill becomes law, Americans can expect to see the largest overhaul in federal tax...

content = BlogPost 112750398732 4 Ways to Lower Your Retirement Account Tax Bill | Allworth Financial
tag = [Tax Planning, Retirement & Financial Planning]

4 Ways to Lower Your Retirement Account Tax Bill

Right up front, I want to make it clear that I’m not an accountant. No one except an expert in tax law should have the final say about your tax planning. That said, likely not a week goes by that an advisor at Allworth Financial doesn’t meet with a...

content = BlogPost 112750398094 3 States with Low Taxes for Retirees | Allworth Financial
tag = [Tax Planning, Retirement & Financial Planning]

3 States with Low Taxes for Retirees

In order to save money on taxes, would you consider moving to a less expensive state? Lots of our clients do. But where might you go? When it comes to taxation in retirement, what 3 states grade out the best? While there are myriad things to...

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