Recent Posts from Admin

Reader’s Question: I’m 59 and recently had to retire and go on disability. I’ve always made a good living, been a great saver, and a careful, …
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For many people, the desire to cut expenses is a moving experience. We have clients all around the country. So there’s a pretty substantial …
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A mutual fund enables investors to “group” their money together in a professionally managed portfolio. Over 55 million people own them.[1] Think of …
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Remember when taxes were something you began worrying about on April 1st? The good ol’ days. That’s okay. As the tax code has changed, you simply …
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Are you over 50? If so, how much risk do you have in your portfolio? This is, of course, a key question for anyone nearing (or in) retirement. But …
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Reader’s Question: My husband and I are both in our late-50s. We steadily contribute to our 401(k)s, but other than the equity in our home, we have …
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You don’t have a 401(k)? About 55 million people are currently contributing to a 401(k). This adds up to over $5 trillion (which is 59% of all …
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It’s no simple task to accurately calculate your retirement income needs all on your own. Sure, there are people who endorse something called the 4% …
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Q: You often hear that you should rebalance your portfolio. I’m 56 and recently inherited a substantial sum of money, but I’ve never invested before. …
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If you had to choose a single photo that represented what retirement means to you, what would your image be? These days, it’s difficult to narrow an …
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