Recent Posts from Admin

5 things savvy participants should do. Nationwide, there are over 50 million people participating in a 401(k) plan. [1] Does that include you? We …
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Reader’s Question: After nearly 30 years, my 59-year old wife’s employer laid her off. I’m 61, and, because of a car accident, have been on …
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Are you chasing dividends? I recently reviewed the investment allocation of someone whose broker had passed away. Almost all of the stocks she owned …
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Reader’s Question: My wife and I are both 63 and are going to retire in 14 months. Our biggest worry is healthcare. I used to think that Medicare …
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Most of our clients can probably remember why and when they first called us. That’s because, even though we recommend you begin working with an …
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What you need to know, what you should do. While the financial needs of modern retirees continue to evolve, probably no group faces more challenges …
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How borrowing from your retirement accounts hurts everyone. Are you on the hook for college tuition? Just about everyone understands that it’s …
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Question: I’m 62 and about to retire. Should I keep my term life insurance, or should I invest in a permanent life insurance policy? Scott Hanson: I …
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Easy-to-Ignore Considerations that Could Cost You a Lot of Money How much income will you need once you retire? Our clients who are reading this know …
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A step-by-step plan for finding good fits for you. Have you ever volunteered? I meet with a lot of recent retirees who are passionate about their …
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