Recent Posts from Admin

July 27, 2018 Fixing Common 401(k) Mistakes

5 things savvy participants should do. Nationwide, there are over 50 million people participating in a 401(k) plan. [1] Does that include you? We …

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July 12, 2018 Reader's Question: We’ve been forced to retire! What should we do?

Reader’s Question: After nearly 30 years, my 59-year old wife’s employer laid her off. I’m 61, and, because of a car accident, have been on …

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June 28, 2018 3 Dangers of Chasing Dividends

Are you chasing dividends? I recently reviewed the investment allocation of someone whose broker had passed away. Almost all of the stocks she owned …

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June 14, 2018 Reader's Question: We're retiring! What's our healthcare going to cost?

Reader’s Question: My wife and I are both 63 and are going to retire in 14 months. Our biggest worry is healthcare. I used to think that Medicare …

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June 07, 2018 3 Surprising "Year One" Retirement Trends

Most of our clients can probably remember why and when they first called us. That’s because, even though we recommend you begin working with an …

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June 01, 2018 Women, Their Partners in Retirement

What you need to know, what you should do. While the financial needs of modern retirees continue to evolve, probably no group faces more challenges …

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May 17, 2018 4 Ways to Fund Both College and Retirement

How borrowing from your retirement accounts hurts everyone. Are you on the hook for college tuition? Just about everyone understands that it’s …

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May 11, 2018 Reader’s Question: Is life insurance a good investment?

Question: I’m 62 and about to retire. Should I keep my term life insurance, or should I invest in a permanent life insurance policy? Scott Hanson: I …

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May 03, 2018 The 2 Thieves of Retirement Income

Easy-to-Ignore Considerations that Could Cost You a Lot of Money How much income will you need once you retire? Our clients who are reading this know …

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April 20, 2018 3 Keys for Volunteering During Retirement

A step-by-step plan for finding good fits for you. Have you ever volunteered? I meet with a lot of recent retirees who are passionate about their …

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