Recent Posts from Admin

April 12, 2018 The 3 Benefits of Working with an Independent, Fee-Based Advisor

When you hear the word “independent,” what comes to mind? It’s an important question for investors and people nearing retirement. That’s because, if …

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March 29, 2018 Why It’s Critical to Work with a Fiduciary Financial Advisor

Positive Outcomes from the DOL to You Consider the word “fiduciary.” In April of 2016, the term “fiduciary advisor” finally gained some much-needed …

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March 27, 2018 Items Your Annual Retirement Plan Review May Be Missing

As a plan sponsor, you are no stranger to the annual retirement plan review. And believe it or not, it is that time of year again! Although you may …

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March 16, 2018 Reader’s Question: Is it okay to rent in retirement rather than own?

Question: We’re renters in an expensive market who will be retiring and relocating soon. (We haven’t decided where.) We’re on track to realize 100% …

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March 07, 2018 3 Potential Changes to Social Security

How the Threat of Insolvency Could Impact Your Retirement Plan If you haven’t retired, and you’re counting on a specific amount of Social Security …

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March 01, 2018 Social Security: When Age Is More Than A Number

If you’re approaching age 62 and wonder about the “right” time to start collecting Social Security, you’re probably not alone. And in my experience, …

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February 15, 2018 Reader's Question: My spouse handles our finances, how can I start helping?

Question: My spouse handles the finances, what should we do to ensure I can handle them too? -Robin Answer: Robin, I often encounter couples where …

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February 08, 2018 Will I Outlive My Money?

One of the greatest questions older Americans face as they think about retirement is, “What will it cost?” There is no simple answer, but one thing …

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February 02, 2018 Smart Ways to Structure Your Retirement in 2018

The new 2018 tax law brings about some of the most sweeping changes we’ve seen in decades. For those of us facing retirement or already enjoying …

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January 24, 2018 Readers Ask Their Questions: Semi-Liquid Investments Available?

Question: What non-stock options are available for a 72-year-old man? I’m retired and sitting on a pretty good amount of funds. I’m looking for …

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