Question: We’re renters in an expensive market who will be retiring and relocating soon. (We haven’t decided where.) We’re on track to realize 100% …
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Question: My spouse handles the finances, what should we do to ensure I can handle them too? -Robin Answer: Robin, I often encounter couples where …
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One of the greatest questions older Americans face as they think about retirement is, “What will it cost?” There is no simple answer, but one thing …
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Can you remember a time when retirement didn’t exist? It wasn’t that long ago. And we might be heading that way again, because today’s “retirees” …
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“I’m going to work until I’m 65.” Many of us may feel this way, but the startling truth is this: either due to health issues, downsizing, or the …
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Your retirement isn’t something that can be plotted on a straight line. You need to position yourself to withstand the unexpected, while also …
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Have you recently reached a career milestone, or gotten a promotion? Or, have you already retired? After you accomplish something meaningful, there’s …
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Retired? Getting ready to retire? What’s the biggest issue you’ll face? Not only is the answer to the above question important, it’s been my …
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You’ve probably thought about moving to a new region, or maybe even another country. 60 percent of all people between the ages of 50 and 65 consider …
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You’re getting better. That’s right! Contrary to popular culture’s sometimes irritating depiction of people over 50, recent university studies prove …
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